Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

3-31-07 Isaiah 54:10

Isaiah 54:10 (KJ21)
For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed," saith the LORD that hath mercy on thee.

Isaiah 54:10 (NAS)
For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken," Says the LORD who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10 (NIVUS)
Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Isaiah 54:10 (NLT)
For the mountains may depart and the hills disappear, but even then I will remain loyal to you. My covenant of blessing will never be broken, says the LORD, who has mercy on you.

If you are looking for permanence and stability, you may look to the mountains and hills of the earth as the perfect example. However, there are certain situations in which even the mountains and hills can be shaken and will totter and slip. A severe earthquake could even dislodge and move a mountain from its original location. If this happens, your sense of safety and security will also be overthrown.

There is only one thing in which you can trust completely and find the permanence and stability that you seek. Jehovah the Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He will never remove His goodness, kindness, and faithfulness from you. He has made a covenant with you and pledged Himself to your welfare. He desires you to be complete, sound, and whole in every area of your life. He wants you to live in peace and safety and to experience health and prosperity. As you enter into this covenant relationship with Adonai, you will find quiet, tranquility, and contentment. You will never totter and shake, for the Lord your God will always uphold you with His strength.

Jehovah has said that He loves you deeply and with tender affection. You can trust His words, for they are true. He has promised to have mercy and compassion on you and that is what you will find when you approach His throne.

Friday, March 30, 2007

3-30-07 2 Samuel 12:13

2 Samuel 12:13 (KJ21)

And David said unto Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." And Nathan said unto David, "The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die."

2 Samuel 12:13 (NAS)

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." And Nathan said to David, "The LORD also has taken away your sin; you shall not die.

2 Samuel 12:13 (NIVUS)

Then David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan replied, "The LORD has taken away your sin. You are not going to die.

2 Samuel 12:13 (NLT)

Then David confessed to Nathan, "I have sinned against the LORD." Nathan replied, "Yes, but the LORD has forgiven you, and you won’t die for this sin.

If you are familiar with King David in the Bible, you know that he did not live a perfect life. In fact, he failed in ways that most people would not even think about doing. He lusted after the wife of one his friends and army officers and committed adultery with her, while his friend was out fighting on the front lines. When Bathsheba discovered that she was pregnant, David tried to trick Uriah into sleeping with his wife, even though Israel's army was still fighting the enemy. Uriah was a man of honor and refused; he did not want to enjoy any blessing that his men could not. Therefore, in order to solve his problem, David sent secret orders through Uriah to the commander. The plan, which worked very effectively, was to have Uriah stationed in the very heat of the battle, where he would be killed.

David, in spite of his failings and weaknesses, was beloved of Jehovah the Lord God. However, God could not let David's sin go without punishment and discipline. He, therefore, sent Nathan to give David a very important message. When David realized that what he had done was not hidden from God, he confessed his sin, admitting how he had done wrong. He knew he was guilty and unclean and deserved condemnation and punishment. When David finally repented and turned away from his sin and back to God, Jehovah the Lord took away David's transgressions. In God's eyes, they became invalid and obsolete. Adonai extended forgiveness to David, so that David did not die. Adultery and murder were both sins that carried the death penalty under Israel's law, but the Lord did not execute this sentence on David and he went free.

Like David, you have also sinned against the Lord and you deserve the death sentence as well. But Jehovah the Lord, Jesus Christ, took the punishment of your sin upon Himself. He died in your place, so that you could go free and continue to live in the abundance that Adonai has planned for you. How great is the love and forgiveness of your God!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

3-29-07 Habakkuk 3:18, 19

Habakkuk 3:18, 19 (JPS)
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will exult in the God of my salvation.
God, the Lord, is my strength, and He maketh my feet like hinds’ feet,
and He maketh me to walk upon my high places.
(For the Leader. With my string-music.)

Habakkuk 3:18, 19 (NAS)
Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
The Lord GOD is my strength, And He has made my feet like hinds’ feet,
And makes me walk on my high places.
(For the choir director, on my stringed instruments.)

Jehovah (Jesus) is your Lord and your God. You exult and rejoice in Him. In Him you are filled with joy and before Him you tremble in fear and reverence. He has rescued you and has delivered you. He has put you in a place of safety, prosperity and welfare. He is your salvation and your victory!

Adonai is your strength and might and His strength is like a forceful army! It gives you the ability and efficiency that you need. In God's strength you find wealth. Like a woman in labor who travails to bring forth her child, so the Lord's strength helps you bring forth those visions and dreams that fill your very being. His strength allows you to dance while you wait longingly for them to come to pass.

The Lord has transformed you from the top of your head to the very soles of your feet. He has fashioned your feet like that of a deer; you are sure footed in the most precarious and narrow places. He has taught you how to walk on mountain tops and to tread upon high ridges. You have been raised to the highest place, the place of worship of your God. From that height, you see the battle and you see your victory.

Therefore, raise your voice in song; let your music come before Him!
He is worthy of your praise and worship!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

3-28-07 John 16:33

John 16:33 (KJ21)
These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good cheer: I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 (NAS)
These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 (NIVUS)
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16:33 (NLT)
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

When you read the words of Jesus, you realize that each word He spoke was deliberate and with purpose. He never said anything silly or just off the top of His head; He always spoke His mind, which was the mind of His Father God. You can trust that His words, for they are direct promises to you. You should hold fast to everything that Yeshua the Messiah speaks to you. Keep them as the most precious possessions that you own. Cling and adhere to them.

One of the most important promises that Jesus your Lord has given you is peace, harmony, and concord. He has given you security, safety, and prosperity. He wants you to be happy. You can live tranquilly, for you are assured of your eternal salvation that Jesus bought for you with His very own blood. You now do not have to fear God and can be content with your lot in life.

In the world you may have tribulation, affliction and distress. Pressure could be coming to you from every side; however, you should continue to be of good courage and cheer, for you can have confidence in the Lord your God. He has conquered and gained you the victory in everything. The world has no hold on you. Jesus has won your case and maintained your cause. The Prince of Peace has bestowed His peace on you.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

3-27-07 Psalms 17:10-12

Psalms 17:10-12 (KJ21)
They are enclosed in their own fat; with their mouth they speak proudly. They have now encompassed us in our steps; they have set their eyes, bowing down to the earth, like a lion that is greedy for his prey, even as a young lion lurking in secret places

Psalms 17:10-12 (NAS)
They have closed their unfeeling heart; With their mouth they speak proudly. They have now surrounded us in our steps; They set their eyes to cast us down to the ground. He is like a lion that is eager to tear, And as a young lion lurking in hiding places.

Psalms 17:10-12 (NIVUS)
They close up their callous hearts, and their mouths speak with arrogance. They have tracked me down, they now surround me, with eyes alert, to throw me to the ground. They are like a lion hungry for prey, like a great lion crouching in cover.

Psalms 17:10-12 (NLT)
They are without pity. Listen to their boasting. They track me down, surround me, and throw me to the ground. They are like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart—like young lions in hiding, waiting for their chance.

You are probably familiar with the expression that someone is set in his ways. This person is so stubborn about what he believes and does that he is totally unwilling to change. His mind is closed and his heart is hard.

There are certain people who feel this way about Adonai, the Most High God. They have closed their hearts tight against Him, which proves they are thick and stupid. Even though their hearts are sealed shut, their mouths are constantly open in pride and arrogance. They haughtily boast of the increase that they believe they have achieved in their own strength and power. They do not realize that the Almighty is the one who gave them life and enables them to work.

You may feel that you are surrounded and besieged with these foolish people. Perhaps they seem to prevent you from moving forward. Your steps are continually impeded. They crouch and lie in wait for you, as a lion waits for its prey. These enemies want to afflict and oppress you, for you have a humble and contrite heart before the Lord. In their conceit, they desire to join in battle against you. They want to lead you away in bonds to prison. They see you as food to be rent in pieces.

You need not fear those who hide in secret, for the Lord your God has concealed you from their sight. They do not have the power to hinder your steps; your steps have been ordered of the Lord. You will complete your course in God's power and might.

Monday, March 26, 2007

3-26-07 Isaiah 46:4

Isaiah 46:4 (NIVUS)
Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.

Isaiah 46:4 (NAS)
Even to your old age, I shall be the same, And even to your graying years I shall bear you! I have done it, and I shall carry you; And I shall bear you, and I shall deliver you.

Isaiah 46:4J (JPS)
Even to old age I am the same, and even to hoar hairs will I carry you; I have made, and I will bear; yea, I will carry, and will deliver.

Even though you are growing older, the Lord your God is the same. He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! As your hair turns gray and your body ages, yet Jehovah bears you up in His arms.. You are no burden for Him!

It is He who fashioned you and with His own hands He made you. You belong to Him. You accomplish and produce all that He created for you to do. At times, you may be weak, but your Creator and Savior continues to lift you up. He supports and sustains you; so that you can endure, keeping you from being carried off by your enemies.

He has already decided that He will continue to bear your load. He has and will continue to save you. He will deliver you and help you escape time and time again. Just as an egg slips easily from the shell that entraps it, so you slip out the enemy's reach, because the Lord is with you!

Be of good cheer; He has overcome the world!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

3-25-07 Psalms 17:8,9

Psalms 17:8, 9 (KJ21)
Keep me as the apple of the eye; hide me under the shadow of Thy wings, from the wicked that oppress me, from my deadly enemies who compass me about.

Psalms 17:8, 9 (NAS)
Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings, From the wicked who despoil me, My deadly enemies, who surround me.

Psalms 17:8, 9 (NIVUS)
Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who assail me, from my mortal enemies who surround me.

Psalms 17:8, 9 (NLT)
Guard me as the apple of your eye. Hide me in the shadow of your wings .Protect me from wicked people who attack me, from murderous enemies who surround me.

When Adonai the Lord created man, He built automatic protection features into the body for those parts that are more vulnerable. The eyes, for example, have been recessed under the brow bone. They also have a lid that closes against light and foreign objects. Tears help to keep the eyes cleansed and free from dirt. When the psalmist David asked the Lord to keep him as the apple of His eye, he knew what he was asking.

You, like David, are kept, guarded, and protected as the pupil of the eye. As God's child and ward, you are constantly being watched over, for you have given the Lord charge of your life. Jehovah keeps you as a special and valuable treasure and you are well preserved. You are carefully hidden and concealed in the shadow of the Most High. The Lord God thrusts you into a corner and covers you with His wings.

The faces of the wicked cannot even look upon you. Criminals will not be able to deal violently with, ruin, or despoil you or your goods. Devastation is not a part of your life. These cannot take away your life or your soul, for you belong to Almighty God. Even if your enemies try to compass you about, surrounding you with their evil, you do not need to fear; you are already hidden in the presence of God.
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