March 11th--It is Dream Day!

We all have dreams, visions and pictures of hope. Having a dream or a vision is healthy. The Bible tells us that without a vision a people perish. Medical science has revealed that a person who dreams at night has a better and more restful sleep. Those who continually have their sleep interrupted and never enter into the dream mode find themselves on edge. Their bodies become more susceptible to disease and sickness. Dreams are very important.
Today is Dream Day! It is a day to foster the dream within you. How do you do this? You visualize what would happen if your dream could come true. You envision every facet and aspect of that dream. You see yourself climbing the mountain. You see yourself crossing the finish line. You see yourself signing that best selling book. You see yourself making the contacts that you need.
It is important, however, to remember the Lord in this process. Ask Him to help you with your dream. Ask Him to guide each and every step. Ask Him to open the doors that need to be opened. Also ask Him to close the doors that should not be opened. And with each step towards fulfillment, thank Him for His help and praise Him for His care.
If you do not have your own dream right now, make it your aim to help someone else achieve his or her dream. As you give out of yourself to help someone else, the Lord will give out of Himself to help you. He will give you a dream and that dream will come true.

Today is Dream Day! Dream big and dream often!