Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

10-27-07 Isaiah 25:4

Isaiah 25:4 (NAS)
For Thou hast been a defense for the helpless, A defense for the needy in his distress, A refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; For the breath of the ruthless Is like a rain storm against a wall.

Isaiah 25:4 (NLT)
But to the poor, O LORD, you are a refuge from the storm. To the needy in distress, you are a shelter from the rain and the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall,

Adonai is your refuge and a safe harbor for you. In Him you have a protected stronghold. He makes you firm and strong with His very own strength. He causes you to prevail. You are no longer weak, poor, low, or distressed. Now you are not subject to abuse or oppression, for the Lord has delivered you from all trouble. Jehovah has taken you from those narrow and tight places and He has brought you to a wide place of abundance. He has loosed your bonds, setting you free from the vexation and harassment of the enemy.

When you find yourself in a storm and a heavy downpour of rain, Jehovah is your shelter. He is your refuge from any danger. If you find yourself in a flood of lies and falsehoods, put your trust. hope, and confidence in the Lord your God; He will protect you. When the parching heat is on and you are in the midst of a drought, God will give you shade. You will not be dried up and laid waste. Desolation and ruin is not your lot. The Lord will hover over you, keeping you under the shadow of His wings.

Sometimes your enemies may come against you with fear and terror. The scent of dread and oppression may surround you on every side and you feel pressed against the wall. Even then, do not allow yourself to give in to these ruthless ones. Do not become agitated, troubled, bitter, and discontented. Do not let anger overtake you. Instead remain courageous and patient in their onslaught. Adonai is your shelter and protection. Remind yourself that He will keep you safe.

Friday, October 26, 2007

10-26-07 Numbers 14:9

Numbers 14:9 (NAS)
Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people of the land, for they shall be our prey. Their protection has been removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them."

Numbers 14:9 (NLT)
Do not rebel against the LORD, and don’t be afraid of the people of the land. They are only helpless prey to us! They have no protection, but the LORD is with us! Don’t be afraid of them!

Jehovah is your Lord and Master. He is your King and Governor. He is your Captain and Superior. You, therefore, should submit to Him in all things. Do not let yourself revolt and rebel against Him.

Adonai is the only One whom you should fear. Give your honor and respect to Him alone. Do not stand in awe or be afraid of any man, for those of this earth, and not of the household of God, are ruled by darkness.

When they come against you to do battle, do not fear, for the Lord your God has made them food for you. You shall not be devoured, but you shall devour. They do not even have a shadow or shade to protect them. They are mere empty images. These ungodly men have been rejected and will come to an end.

You, however, have not departed from Jehovah. Because you fear and revere Him, you will not be rejected. You will not come to an end, for He has given you His everlasting life.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

10-24-07 Deuteronomy 4:7

Deuteronomy 4:7 (NAS)
For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the LORD our God whenever we call on Him?
Deuteronomy 4:7 (NLT)
For what great nation has a god as near to them as the LORD our God is near to us whenever we call on him?

You are always in the forefront because Adonai is your God. He has placed you prominently in His family. Other people and nations must take a back seat to you. for you are a descendant of Abraham.

He has made you great. You are important and distinguished. The Lord has promoted you and given you power. Through Him you are doing great and magnificent things.

Jehovah is your ruler and judge. However, you do not need to fear His judgments. He has brought you near to Himself; you have a personal relationship with Him. You are His kin and can approach Him anytime or in any place.

He has given you the freedom to call upon His name. When you cry for help, He has promised to answer. He has given you permission to summon Him whenever you need Him. For He has chosen you, appointing and commissioning you to His service.

Monday, October 22, 2007

10-22-07 Deuteronomy 33:29

Deuteronomy 33:29 (NAS)
"Blessed are you, O Israel; Who is like you, a people saved by the LORD, Who is the shield of your help, And the sword of your majesty! So your enemies shall cringe before you, And you shall tread upon their high places."

Deuteronomy 33:29 (NLT)
How blessed you are, O Israel! Who else is like you, a people saved by the LORD? He is your protecting shield and your triumphant sword! Your enemies will bow low before you, and you will trample on their backs!"

You were never able to advance or make progress until the Lord your God blessed you and made you happy. He gives you power and helps you to contend with anything that may come against you. In this way, as you persevere, you will prevail, even as Israel prevailed over her enemies.

Now you know that when you are in the midst of a battle, if you pray and entreat the Lord's help, He will make you victorious, even as He has saved and delivered you previously. Jehovah is your defense and covering. He surrounds you like a shield and protects you like a buckler. Adonai's sword lays waste and brings to ruin your adversaries.

The Lord raises and exalts you in triumph, so that you see His majesty. Even if your enemies seem to be higher than you, the Lord your God will cause you to tread upon their high places. You will march upon those who have deceived and lied to you. You will bend your bow and release your arrows against them. Then their high places, where you meet them in battle, will become their funeral mounds.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

10-21-07 Isaiah 63:7

Isaiah 63:7 (NAS)
I shall make mention of the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, the praises of the LORD, According to all that the LORD has granted us, And the great goodness toward the house of Israel, Which He has granted them according to His compassion, And according to the multitude of His lovingkindnesses.

Isaiah 63:7 (NLT)
I will tell of the LORD’s unfailing love. I will praise the LORD for all he has done. I will rejoice in his great goodness to Israel, which he has granted according to his mercy and love.

You should always remember and call to mind the goodness, kindness, and faithfulness of Jehovah. Think about how He has taken away your reproach and shame and has shown you His mercy. You know that He has caused you to shine with His favor.

When these things come to mind, you should lift your voice in praise. Songs and hymns, thanksgiving and adoration should be on your lips. Boast in Adonai and give Him glory. If you are mad and foolish about anything, let it be for the Lord your God.

Jehovah has dealt bountifully with you. He has recompensed and repaid you for everything that your enemy has stolen from you. He causes all that you do to ripen and bear fruit. Exceeding abundance and greatness are now yours. You are a captain and chief among the people. There is no end to the goodness, fairness, beauty, and prosperity in your life.

You have received mercy and compassion from the womb of the Lord. He loves you dearly and desires to show you His tender affection. And He has much more available for you; let Him pour out His blessings upon you.
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