Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

10-21-06 Zechariah 10:5

Zechariah 10:5 (KJ21)
And they shall be as mighty men, who tread down their enemies in the mire of the streets in the battle; and they shall fight because the LORD is with them, and the riders on horses shall be confounded.

Zechariah 10:5 (NAS)
And they will be as mighty men, Treading down the enemy in the mire of the streets in battle; And they will fight, for the LORD will be with them; And the riders on horses will be put to shame.

Zechariah 10:5 (NIVUS)
Together they will be like mighty men trampling the muddy streets in battle. Because the LORD is with them, they will fight and overthrow the horsemen.

Zechariah 10:5 (NLT)
They will be like mighty warriors in battle, trampling their enemies in the mud under their feet. Since the LORD is with them as they fight, they will overthrow even the horsemen of the enemy.

Before 911, Americans thought heroes were only fictional characters, such as Xena Warrior Princess, Hercules, or Batman. No real heroes were evident, for we had lost appreciation for life and things had become more important. Then came 911 and suddenly the heroic spirit came alive again; life was valuable once more.

As a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, you have always seen the value of individual lives, but you have never thought of yourself as a hero. However, that is something that you should seriously reconsider. Jehovah the Lord has made you a champion and chief among men. You are powerful and mighty, excellent and strong. You are valiant and have a warrior's heart.

Adonai has given you the ability to prevail against your enemies. You will trample them under your feet and they will find themselves lying in polluted mud and clay. When they see you, they see calamity coming their way. You have the power, through the Lord, to sweep away your adversaries. As you engage them in battle, you will sever and separate them from their source of power. You will consume and devour those who fight against you. You will overcome and they shall be destroyed. Even if they come against you with the newest and most powerful weapons, they will be confounded and wither away. As they ride upon their horses, they will be confused and disappointed. They will dry up and blow away.

You, however, will grow strong and more powerful, for you have Jehovah the Lord your God.

Friday, October 20, 2006

10-20-06 Zechariah 10:1

Zechariah 10:1 (KJ21)
Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.

Zechariah 10:1 (NAS)
Ask rain from the LORD at the time of the spring rain—The LORD who makes the storm clouds; And He will give them showers of rain, vegetation in the field to each man.

Zechariah 10:1 (NIVUS)
Ask the LORD for rain in the springtime; it is the LORD who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone.

Zechariah 10:1 (NLT)
Ask the LORD for rain in the spring, and he will give it. It is the LORD who makes storm clouds that drop showers of rain so that every field becomes a lush pasture.

If you need something, you should never hesitate to ask Jehovah the Lord for it. He wants you to inquire of and make your requests to Him. Although you may want to demand and beg, you simply need to earnestly pray.

If you need rain, go to the Most High. Perhaps it is the time for the spring rain, the rain that allows the seeds you have planted to take root. Maybe it is the latter rain--the rain that comes after the harvest, the rain that helps you prepare the soil for the next planting-- that you need. Lay your request before God's throne.

You should consult with the Lord, even if you see only bright, white, fluffy clouds in the sky. Jehovah, who is the supreme Lord of the universe, is able to take those clouds and change their nature. When He touches them, Adonai gives these same clouds a new assignment in answer to your prayers. Soon you will see them bring forth the rain showers that you need, at exactly the most beneficial time. Then the tender shoots of grass and herbs will begin to show their heads in your field. The ground that received the rain at your request will begin to produce abundantly.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

10-19-06 Zechariah 12:8

Zechariah 12:8 (KJ21)
In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David, and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.

Zechariah 12:8 (NAS)
In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD before them.

Zechariah 12:8 (NIVUS)
On that day the LORD will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the Angel of the LORD going before them.

Zechariah 12:8 (NLT)
On that day the LORD will defend the people of Jerusalem; the weakest among them will be as mighty as King David! And the royal descendants will be like God, like the angel of the LORD who goes before them!

A good healthy hedge has such thick growth that it is usually impossible to see through it. Hedges also usually continue to grow taller each year and must be kept trimmed. Many people use hedges as borders to their properties, since they are effective barriers for safety and privacy. They are not easy to scale and almost impossible to come through without a chain saw.

Did you know that Jehovah the Lord is like a hedge for you? He is always present to protect and defend you. Your enemies will never find a way over or through Him to get to you. In Him you are completely safe. He is the One who makes you dwell in peace. You can settle down, for the Lord God only has good in store for you. As you learn to endure, Adonai will use your life to teach others. He will shoot you forth as an arrow and you will direct and inform others of God's plan of redemption, restitution, and restoration.

You may feel weak and cast down, but the truth is that you are beloved of the Most High God. Like King David, you are the Lord's friend and lover. No longer do you totter and waver; you are a well built temple, the house of Almighty God. You belong to Adonai's family and a member of the King's court. You are no stranger to your Father's palace, where you find all of the strength that you need. Like the angels, you are a messenger of God, an ambassador of the Lord Jehovah. Because you continually stand before His face, God can and will dispatch you as His deputy to teach the nations. He sends you to the forefront of the battle, for you are no weakling. You go in the strength and power of God Almighty.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

10-18-06 Lamentations 3:60-64

Lamentations 3:60-64 (KJ21)
Thou hast seen all their vengeance and all their imaginings against me. Thou hast heard their reproach, O LORD, and all their imaginings against me, the lips of those that rose up against me, and their devices against me all the day. Behold their sitting down and their rising up; I am their music. Render unto them a recompense, O LORD, according to the work of their hands.

Lamentations 3:60-64 (NAS)
Thou hast seen all their vengeance, All their schemes against me. Thou hast heard their reproach, O LORD, All their schemes against me. The lips of my assailants and their whispering Are against me all day long. Look on their sitting and their rising; I am their mocking song. Thou wilt recompense them, O LORD, According to the work of their hands.

Lamentations 3:60-64 (NIVUS)
You have seen the depth of their vengeance, all their plots against me. O LORD, you have heard their insults, all their plots against me—what my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long. Look at them! Sitting or standing, they mock me in their songs. Pay them back what they deserve, O LORD, for what their hands have done.

Lamentations 3:60-64 (NLT)
You have seen the plots my enemies have laid against me. LORD, you have heard the vile names they call me. You know all about the plans they have made— the plots my enemies whisper and mutter against me all day long. Look at them! In all their activities, they constantly mock me with their songs. Pay them back, LORD, for all the evil they have done.

Are there people who are holding grudges against you? Does it seem as if they vengefully attack you? With them, you have nothing but quarrels. Perhaps they imagine and invent things about you that are not true. These malicious plots and fabricators devalue you. Even though these people think they are giving you good advice, their forecasts are actually mean-spirited and divisive. Instead of encouraging you, their words come across as a rebuke. These do not esteem you, but want to reproach and shame you. Although their intentions are to strip and expose you, you should realize that Jehovah the Lord has seen their actions and has heard everything that they said.

It does not matter that your foes continue to prattle their vain speech, even though their purpose is to ruin and destroy you. They may want to see you perish and your life terminated. Although they murmur against you all day long, they are just making noise.

They have crossed a border that Adonai will defend. He watches them intently. He knows when they sit down and when they get up. He continuously beholds their actions; nothing escapes His notice. These, your enemies, may think that your life is a satire and your music is just for their amusement. However, they do not think as the Lord your God thinks.

Jehovah the Lord perceives the ill treatment that you have received and knows that you are undeserving of these attacks. He, therefore, will recompense and reward you. Your adversaries will also be recompensed for their actions. The Lord will return to them what they have done. The hand that they have dealt will be dealt back to them. Adonai will hinder your enemies and rescue and deliver you.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006



For those of you who read the Jolts on a regular basis, you may notice that I recently used these same verses. Verse 54 is the exception. This Jolt comes at these verses from a different angle. So if you decide not to read today's jolt because you think it is the same, maybe you could rethink that decision. And perhaps the Lord is emphasing something to all of us. So, read and enjoy!

Thank you for your support!

10-17-06 Lamentations 3:54-56

Lamentations 3:54-56 (KJ21)
Waters flowed over mine head; then I said, "I am cut off!" I called upon Thy name, O LORD, out of the low dungeon. Thou hast heard my voice: "Hide not Thine ear at my breathing, at my cry."

Lamentations 3:54-56 (NAS)
Waters flowed over my head; I said, "I am cut off!" I called on Thy name, O LORD, Out of the lowest pit. Thou hast heard my voice, "Do not hide Thine ear from my prayer for relief, From my cry for help."

Lamentations 3:54-56 (NIVUS)
The waters closed over my head, and I thought I was about to be cut off. I called on your name, O LORD, from the depths of the pit. You heard my plea: "Do not close your ears to my cry for relief."

Lamentations 3:54-56 (NLT)
The water flowed above my head, and I cried out, "This is the end!" But I called on your name, LORD, from deep within the well, and you heard me! You listened to my pleading; you heard my weeping!

When Hurricane Katrina hit in New Orleans and when the Tsunami ravaged India, many people lost their lives, their homes, and their businesses due to the roaring waters. They were helpless to stop the floods and waves. If they could not outrun the flow, they were swept away and destroyed. These needed a savior who had power over the elements.

Sometimes you may compare the circumstances that come against you as flood waters. Perhaps you feel that they are overflowing you, so that even your head is covered. You believe you are going down for the last time. You are being cut off and cut down. As you see the destruction coming your way, you may begin to speak of your defeat.

However, if you want to see your salvation and victory, you cannot go with the destructive flow. Instead of rehearsing your defeat in your mind and with your words, you need to call out to Jehovah the Lord. You should recognize Adonai's authority to change what is going on in your life. Even if you are in the lowest parts of the earth and feel below everyone else, you should cry to Yahweh from the pit and the hole where you find yourself.

You can be assured that the Most High God will hear your voice. He will not hide or conceal Himself from you; He is not displeased with you. Instead the Lord Most High weighs and ponders each word that you utter in His presence. He will take you out of that small dungeon and deliver you into a large space. You will have ample room to breathe. The Lord will revive and refresh you, for your cry has brought you freedom from your troubles.

Monday, October 16, 2006

10-16-06 Proverbs 2:6, 7

Proverbs 2:6, 7 (KJ21)
For the LORD giveth wisdom; out of His mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous; He is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.

Proverbs 2:6, 7 (NAS)
For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding. He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk in integrity,

Proverbs 2:6, 7(NIVUS)
For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds victory in store for the upright; he is a shield to those, whose walk is blameless,

Proverbs 2:6, 7(NLT)
For the LORD grants wisdom! From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He grants a treasure of good sense to the godly. He is their shield, protecting those who walk with integrity.

When you are lacking wisdom, where should you go? You should seek out and recognize the One who is superior to all. Yahweh, the Lord, is the Only Source of true wisdom and knowledge, but He is willing to give it to you. From His mouth, you receive skill for war, shrewdness for administration, and prudence to live ethically. As the very word of God, there is no better person to instruct and teach you in wisdom. He will bestow on you the wealth of His understanding, knowledge, and discernment. Jehovah will entrust you with discrimination and perception.

Among the many treasures that Adonai has stored up for you are wisdom, sound knowledge, and abiding success. He has made Himself your buckler and defense. He surrounds you in His wisdom, so that you can walk uprightly before Him. What a pleasing and agreeable way of life!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

10-15-06 Proverbs 2:1-5

Proverbs 2:1-5 (KJ21)
My son, if thou wilt receive my words and hide my commandments within thee, so that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding; yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding, if thou seekest her as silver and searchest for her as for hidden treasure, then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2:1-5 (NAS)
My son, if you will receive my sayings, And treasure my commandments within you, Make your ear attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding; For if you cry for discernment, Lift your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will discern the fear of the LORD, And discover the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2:1-5 (NIVUS)
My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding, and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2:1-5 (NLT)
My child, listen to me and treasure my instructions. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight and understanding. Search for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure. Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD, and you will gain knowledge of God.

Do you have special treasures that you value more than anything else? How do you treat these special items? Do you take more care with them to keep them safe? Perhaps you keep them hidden away. They are so valuable that you do not want them lost or stolen and yet you know exactly where they are when you want and need them.

There is something that has more worth and is more precious than any material possession you have. The words, promises, and commandments of the Lord are what you need to seize and lay hold of. You need to receive them into your hands and carry them with you wherever you go. As a child of the Most High God, you should store up and treasure His commandments, for they are His code of wisdom by which you can order your life.

You should let your ear pay attention and to listen for divine revelation. Adonai will reveal the wisdom that you need, so that you will be skillful and prudent. When you heed God's wisdom, you will not be deceived. Therefore, stretch and extend your heart to understand the knowledge of God. As you do this, your mind will have insight, for the word of the Lord will teach you. You will have discernment and perception that you never had before.

You should call out and cry to the Almighty God for understanding, so that you can distinguish and discern what is truly of God. Devote your voice to proclaiming Adonai's word. With this commitment, you will receive more instruction, wisdom, and understanding. When you seek the wisdom of the Lord, as you seek for money and silver, you will have all that you require. Yearn for and search for God's wisdom in all things. Longing for His treasure will bring you more than enough.

When you seek for wisdom and understanding, then you will find the fear of the Lord. It is important that you revere, respect and honor Jehovah, who is the One True God. When you learn to fear the Lord now, you will not need to fear His judgment later. Hold Him in awe and you will find security. If you do this, you will not wear out or grow old before your time. Yahweh's wisdom, understanding, and discernment will keep you safe.
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