Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

12-9-06 Jeremiah 20:13

Jeremiah 20:13 (KJ21)
Sing unto the LORD, praise ye the LORD; for He hath delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers.

Jeremiah 20:13 (NAS)
Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD! For He has delivered the soul of the needy one From the hand of evildoers.

Jeremiah 20:13 (NIVUS)
Sing to the LORD! Give praise to the LORD! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked.

Jeremiah 20:13 (NLT)
Now I will sing out my thanks to the LORD! Praise the LORD! For though I was poor and needy, he delivered me from my oppressors.

Often there are times in your life when you may not feel like singing, but you do not have to wait to feel like singing to sing. You can choose to sing.

Your journey through this life should be filled with joy and nothing brings joy quicker than singing an uplifting song, for the Lord has powerfully anointed music. Your mouth should be filled with boasts and praises to Jehovah your Lord. When you choose to do this, you shine with His glory. Your disposition becomes brighter and your feelings change for the better.

You have many reasons to praise the Lord your God. One of the most important is that He has delivered and saved you. He has snatched you from the hand of those who plot evil against you. They saw you as poor and needy and decided to bully, oppress, and abuse you. However, Adonai the Almighty God quickly came to deliver you from your troubles. Even though they tried to make you feel like you were of the lowest class, you chose to willingly consent to God's plan for your life. The Most High God, therefore, brought refreshing and new life to your soul.

Instead of your enemies stripping and plundering you, Adonai stripped your adversaries of their power. He spoiled and plundered their camp. He not only rescued you, but also recovered all that had been stolen from you. You are no longer a poor, beggarly man, but a chief among men. You are a royal son of God's royal kingdom and the wicked can no longer injure you. Jehovah the Lord has stopped their mischief making and you are free. You are no longer broken and shattered, but whole and complete through God's intervention.

Friday, December 08, 2006

12-8-06 Psalms 13:3, 4

Psalms 13:3, 4 (KJ21)
Consider and hear me, O LORD my God; lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; lest mine enemy say, "I have prevailed against him"; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved.

Psalms 13:3, 4 (NAS)
Consider and answer me, O LORD, my God; Enlighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, Lest my enemy say, "I have overcome him," Lest my adversaries rejoice when I am shaken.

Psalms 13:3, 4 (NIVUS)
Look on me and answer, O LORD my God. Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death; my enemy will say, "I have overcome him," and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

Psalms 13:3, 4 (NLT)
Turn and answer me, O LORD my God! Restore the light to my eyes, or I will die. Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, "We have defeated him!" Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.

If your thoughts constantly tell you that your life has never amounted to much and that no one really cares about you, then you need to change your thoughts. Adonai the Lord your God always looks upon you with regard and consideration. He pays close attention to you. When you pray, He hears you and makes sure that you receive the appropriate answer. You should know, however, that He responds in different ways. Sometimes He testifies to you through His word. Sometimes He speaks in a still small voice inside your spirit. At times you might hear a shout or a song may come to your mind, but you can be assured in all that Jehovah the Lord is the One speaking.

There is no one more prominent than Almighty God and you have gained His attention. When Jesus the Christ offered Himself as the ram of sacrifice, He laid down His power, strength, and might momentarily, so that you could become strong. He was the leader and chief and yet He allowed Himself to become food for the enemy on your behalf. Now He is Immanuel, the God who is with us, and He has lightened your life. You shine brightly with His glory and you can look at yourself through His eyes, for you are well-pleasing in His sight. The blood of Jesus has made you right and now your thoughts are coming back into agreement with the Most High God. Because Yeshua the Messiah allowed His body to die, you can be assured that death will not take you prematurely. He suffered your penalty, so that you will not perish and the realm of Death will not be able to claim you.

Previously your enemies seemed to have the upper hand and could say whatever they wished against you. However, now they have been denied that right. They are no longer able to prevail and overcome you with their words of defeat. Even though they continue to boast of their power over you, they are not the victors, for the Lord your God has gained that victory for you. They can no longer squeeze you into a narrow, tight place and you are no longer bound to their distressful attacks. Those that trouble you will not be able to rejoice; they will no be able to move you. You will no longer totter and shake in their presence, for the Most High God strengthens you.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12-7-06 Jeremiah 23:28, 29

Jeremiah 23:28, 29 (KJ21)
The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath My word, let him speak My word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat?" saith the LORD. Is not My word like as a fire?" saith the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?

Jeremiah 23:28, 29 (NAS)
The prophet who has a dream may relate his dream, but let him who has My word speak My word in truth. What does straw have in common with grain?" declares the LORD. Is not My word like fire?" declares the LORD, "and like a hammer which shatters a rock?

Jeremiah 23:28, 29 (NIVUS)
Let the prophet who has a dream tell his dream, but let the one who has my word speak it faithfully. For what has straw to do with grain?" declares the LORD. Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?

Jeremiah 23:28, 29 (NLT)
Let these false prophets tell their dreams, but let my true messengers faithfully proclaim my every word. There is a difference between chaff and wheat! Does not my word burn like fire?" asks the LORD. "Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes rock to pieces?

When you see advertisements on television, often you see spokes-people for certain products. These men and women are paid to tout the good points and features of the item they are advertising. Even though they are the official "prophet" of the product, they may not believe in it or use it. They are simply paid to do a job.

In the Kingdom of God there are men and women who God has called to prophesy for Him. They are Adonai's spokesmen and their job is to praise the Lord and reveal the benefits of Kingdom living. Sometimes, however, these mere human beings can be side-tracked or distracted by something that did not really come from God. They may have had a dream which impressed them so much that they begin to preach it. Everywhere they go they declare and rehearse what they saw in that dream. They may believe that they have a new revelation that they need to share with everyone.

There are other men and women who have been given the true word of the Lord. They are responsible to speak out and declare those promises, commandments, or warnings that Jehovah has given them. These do not speak as common men, for they are actually using a supernatural language that is not of this world.

If you have been called as the Lord's spokesman, you must be faithful to speak God's word. You have found that it is reliable and sure and you should show others what you have discovered. Through your testimony, you impart divine instruction and warn of future judgment. You must speak the Truth, for it is what has nourished and upheld you. God's word is your pillar and support. You do well to trust in and believe Adonai's word and to share that word with others.

However, you should make sure that you are speaking only God's word and not your own dreams. Even though there may be truth in those dreams and visions, they are merely straw and stubble in comparison to the true word of the Lord, which is like nourishing corn and grain. God's word purges and cleanses and tests and proves those who hear it. What Adonai says purifies you, putting a shining polish to your life.

The Lord Jehovah's word is a fire that burns up the straw and stubble. It also is a hammer that shatters and dashes in pieces the hard places and strongholds that hold you captive. You can experience no greater power than the utterances and declarations of the Lord over your life.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

12-6-06 Psalms 13:1, 2

Psalms 13:1, 2 (KJ21)
(To the chief musician: A Psalm of David.)
How long wilt Thou forget me, O LORD? For ever? How long wilt Thou hide Thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me?

Psalms 13:1, 2 (NAS)
(For the choir director. A Psalm of David.)
How long, O LORD? Wilt Thou forget me forever? How long wilt Thou hide Thy face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart all the day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

Psalms 13:1, 2 (NIVUS)
(For the director of music. A psalm of David. )
How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and every day have sorrow in my heart? How long will my enemy triumph over me?

Psalms 13:1, 2 (NLT)
(For the choir director: A psalm of David.)
O LORD, how long will you forget me? Forever? How long will you look the other way? How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul, with sorrow in my heart every day? How long will my enemy have the upper hand?

As you get older, have you noticed temporary lapses of memory? Perhaps you meet someone whom you know, but you momentarily forget that person's name. You awkwardly try to steer the conversation so that you will not be in a position to call that name. You do not want the other one to know that you have forgotten them and you do not want to be embarrassed, for you know that no one wants to be forgotten, even if it is only temporary.

The Lord your God has created you to excel and to be a bright light in this dark world. He has made you preeminent and enduring; you are to be a chief and overseer among men. Because of this, you often have a song or melody of praise in your heart and on your lips. You know you are the beloved of Adonai your God.

Even with this knowledge, there may be times when you think that the Most High God has forgotten you. It may appear that He is ignoring you and has ceased to care. However, Jehovah the Lord never has those lapses of memory that you experience. He is always able to call your name and He always knows exactly where you are. He is your everlasting strength and victory. If it seems as if He has hidden Himself from you, it is only to help you. He wants you to learn to be strong and to endure during these silent times. As you continue to seek His face and His presence, you will discover secret treasures that have been hidden from those who are less diligent.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

12-5-06 1 Kings 8:56-58

1 Kings 8:56-58 (KJ21)
Blessed be the LORD, who hath given rest unto His people Israel, according to all that He promised. There hath not failed one word of all His good promise, which He promised by the hand of Moses His servant. The LORD our God be with us, as He was with our fathers. Let Him not leave us nor forsake us that He may incline our hearts unto Him to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments which He commanded our fathers.

1 Kings 8:56-58 (NAS)
Blessed be the LORD, who has given rest to His people Israel, according to all that He promised; not one word has failed of all His good promise, which He promised through Moses His servant. May the LORD our God be with us, as He was with our fathers; may He not leave us or forsake us, that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances, which He commanded our fathers.

1 Kings 8:56-58 (NIVUS)
Praise be to the LORD, who has given rest to his people Israel just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave through his servant Moses. May the LORD our God be with us as he was with our fathers; may he never leave us nor forsake us. May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations he gave our fathers.

1 Kings 8:56-58 (NLT)
Praise the LORD who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises he gave through his servant Moses. May the LORD our God be with us as he was with our ancestors; may he never forsake us. May he give us the desire to do his will in everything and to obey all the commands, laws, and regulations that he gave our ancestors.

It is a good and honorable thing to bless the Lord and to kneel before Him in reverence. In your adoration you should praise and give Him abundant thanks, for He has bestowed and granted you quietness, putting you in a place of rest. He has made you settle down and His peace keeps you. You are now His Son, a prince in His Kingdom. He has contended for you with the enemy and He has prevailed.

Adonai has spoken good and beneficial promises to and over you. He has commanded His plan for you to come to pass. Nothing that He has declared will fall apart or fail. You do not have to settle for something inferior. You can count on the abundant fulfillment of each and every promise; for He also has put to flight those curses that others have thrown in your direction.

As Almighty God was with your father before you, so He is with you and will be with your sons after you. He will never leave you. He will not abandon you nor neglect you. He will not forsake you nor desert you. He has set you free and He will not loosen His grip on you. He loves you and will not reject you. You are His now and forever!

He has bent your heart to His will, influencing you to walk in His ways. Now you are inclined to give heed to and observe all that He has commanded. His ordinances and charges are treasures that you keep and guard. His statutes and judgments set boundaries for your life that you do not cross. You know that all of God's decrees are what save and preserve your life. Therefore, continue to celebrate His Word and you will continue to celebrate your life!

Monday, December 04, 2006

12-4-06 1 Chronicles 16. 21, 22

1 Chronicles 16:21, 22 (KJ21)
He suffered no man do them wrong; yea, He reproved kings for their sakes, saying, "Touch not Mine anointed, and do My prophets no harm."

1 Chronicles 16:21, 22 (NAS)
He permitted no man to oppress them, And He reproved kings for their sakes, saying, “Do not touch My anointed ones, And do My prophets no harm."

1 Chronicles 16:21, 22 (NIVUS)
He allowed no man to oppress them; for their sake he rebuked kings: “Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."

1 Chronicles 16:21, 22 (NLT)
Yet he did not let anyone oppress them. He warned kings on their behalf: "Do not touch these people I have chosen, and do not hurt my prophets."

The Lord your God has caused you to settle down and has brought you to a place of rest and quiet. He has decided that no man or woman will ever move you from that place. Even if your enemy is a champion among men, he will not be able oppress or exploit you. The greatest that the world has to offer will not be permitted to do you wrong, defraud or violate you. No one is allowed to contend with, quarrel with, strive against or exploit you. God will even judge kings who try to oppress you. He will reprove, rebuke or correct them if the need should arise.

Jehovah has anointed you because you belong to Him. You are consecrated to Him and He has given you His Holy Spirit. He, therefore, has commanded that none can strike or touch you to do you harm. If an enemy starts to extend his hand towards you, the Lord Himself will protect you.

You are His spokesman. You speak His word to His people and at times you prophesy. Therefore, the Lord will not allow any bad or evil to come against you. Nothing displeasing, sad or injurious can make you falter. You will not be shattered or broken. You are chosen of the God Almighty and His hand of blessing rests on you.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

12-03-06 Isaiah 65:16

Isaiah 65:16 (KJ21)
That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth, and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth, because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from Mine eyes.

Isaiah 65:16 (NAS)
Because he who is blessed in the earth Shall be blessed by the God of truth; And he who swears in the earth Shall swear by the God of truth; Because the former troubles are forgotten, And because they are hidden from My sight!

Isaiah 65:16 (NIVUS)
Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will do so by the God of truth; he who takes an oath in the land will swear by the God of truth. For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from my eyes.

Isaiah 65:16 (NLT)
All who invoke a blessing or take an oath will do so by the God of truth. For I will put aside my anger and forget the evil of earlier days.

You have not forsaken the Lord your God, but you have embraced Him and His will for your life. And He has blessed you. However, there are times that you need more blessing. Then, you can speak forth with your own mouth the blessing that you require of God. You can call upon Adonai's favor, which He has already bestowed upon you. You can speak confidently because you know that the Lord your God is true, reliable, and faithful. He supports you, like pillars hold up the roof above them.

Your life is not like it used to be. The distress and trouble that were once yours are now forgotten. Even though the enemy had crowded you into a narrow place and had you bound, that is no longer true. You no longer care about those times that he, with hostility, pressed hard against you. Now you belong to God and He no longer remembers your former life. All that was before is permanently hidden from His eyes. The work He did in you and for you is complete.

You have been adopted into the family of God; Jesus is the first born of many brethren. As His brother you have the same rights and authority that He has. Whatever you speak or command, in His name, is the same as Yeshua Himself speaking. Whatever you ask in His name will be done for you by your Father in heaven. Therefore, do not hesitate to call forth the blessings that you need. Your words, which are firmly rooted in God's Word, are as powerful and creative as His words. And you shall see your blessing come forth speedily!
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