Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

1-3-09 Luke 1:51 A New Resolve!

Luke 1:51 (KJ21)
He hath shown strength with His arm; He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.

Luke 1:51 (NAS)
"He has done mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who were proud in the thoughts of their heart.

Luke 1:51 (NIVUS)
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.

Luke 1:51 (NLT)
His mighty arm does tremendous things! How he scatters the proud and haughty ones!

A New Year - A New Resolution! Perhaps it is the same old resolution with a new dose of will power. Was the will power that you mustered up enough before? It probably was not and that is the reason why you are trying again. This year you could try in your own strength or you could rely on the strength of Another.

When the Lord shows His strength, His power, and His force, He does well and acts rightly. He is able to abundantly keep His promises to you. One of His promises is that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Therefore, if you call upon His name, no matter for what cause, He will direct His salvation to that problem.

However, if you insist on doing things your own way again, your efforts could be as useless as trying to separate grain from the chaff by hand. You may see some success, but some waste will accompany that success. Your own understanding, feeling, or desire may help you start the process of change that you seek, but it will only get you so far. The failure that you experienced before could be yours again.

Therefore, this year try something new. Call upon the name of the Lord first and seek His wisdom. The change that you desire will come and as long as you maintain your trust in your Creator, it will last. You will not need to make a new resolution next year.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

1-1-2009 Luke 1:50 Receive God's Mercy Today

Luke 1:50 (KJ21)
And His mercy is on them that fear Him, from generation to generation.

Luke 1:50 (NAS)

Luke 1:50 (NIVUS)
His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.

Luke 1:50 (NLT)
His mercy goes on from generation to generation, to all who fear him.


Good will to men has been quoted often during this holiday season. What does this good will mean? Indeed God the Heavenly Father loved His creation so much that He wanted to provide the best for it. However, men loved themselves more than they loved God and turned from His best plan. They chose sin, rather than righteousness. This grieved the Lord's heart, but He already had a plan in place to restore men back to righteousness. Through His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ, the Almighty extended His mercy and kindness to the world.

Many men, women, and children live miserable and afflicted lives. Perhaps you feel that you are one of these. Do not despair if this is true; the Lord has already decided to help you. In Jesus Christ you will find the salvation and blessing that you seek. He feels sympathy towards and is moved with compassion to come to your aid.

You, however, must seek after and welcome the Lord's aid. You cannot remain in your pride and rebellion, but come into God's presence with fear and trembling. Your attitude must be one of reverential obedience.

From the nativity to the present, the Father God's mercy and kindness has continued. Every kindred, tribe, and nation can receive the compassion of the Lord and that includes you. Why not receive it today? You will not be disappointed.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

7-13-08 2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord Is Faithful!

2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NAS)
But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NLT)
But the Lord is faithful; he will make you strong and guard you from the evil one


Have you ever been on the short end of a business transaction? From a position of authority, have you ever asked someone to do something and learned later that you were just given lip service? Did this lesson your ability to trust your partners or even people in general? Have you been burned once too many times?

Did you know that there is Someone who will always prove faithful to you? Jesus Christ the Lord will do what He has promised. You can trust Him to come through for you. Your faith in Him will never show Him to be false, for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You can have confidence in Almighty God’s faithfulness.

When you are weak, Jesus the Lord will strengthen you. He will make you firm and stable and you will be fixed in your place. If you stand before judges, God will render your mind constant, balanced, and intact, as you put your trust in Him. He will also provide a way for you to escape in safety. As the Lord stands near, you will find yourself ready and prepared.

The Faithful God will watch over and guard you. His eye is always upon you to protect you and keep you from violence. He separates you from annoyances and hardships. Those of evil and wicked natures have no power over you, for you belong to the Lord.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

7-12-08 Exodus 14:15 Stop Crying and Get Moving

Exodus14:15 (NAS)
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.

Exodus14:15 (NRSV)
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the people to get moving!


You know that you can cry out to the Lord for help because He is in charge of your life. He is your Owner and Master and what He says is what you want to do. Is it wrong to cry out for that help, when you are in distress or need? Usually it is just fine and the Lord will hear and answer you.

However, there may come a time when you are no longer crying out to the Lord in faith. Perhaps, your crying has turned into a whine or clamor in the ears of the Almighty. He may already have answered your prayer, but you have failed to do as He commanded you. Fear may be paralyzing you. What do you do then?

Moses and the children of Israel had come to this place in their wanderings through the wilderness. They were stalled and making no progress. It was then that the Lord God spoke again. He told Moses, His spokesman, to command His children to pull up their tent stakes and to set out on their journey once more. In this way, they would end up in the land the Lord had promised to give them. If they stay put, they would never reach their destination.

So too, you should stop crying and take a step of faith. In this way you will walk right into your victory.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

7-6-08 2 Thessalonians 3:3 The Lord is Faithful!

2 Thessalonians 3:3 (NAS)
But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
2 Thessalonians 3:3 (The Message)
But the Master never lets us down. He'll stick by you and protect you from evil.
Have you ever wondered why you refer to Jesus Christ as Lord? Lord is the word used to describe the Person who has the power to decide your future. He is the Master of your life and you belong to Him. When you yield up the control of your life to Jesus Christ, He takes over. By calling Him Lord, you give Him the honor and respect that He deserves.
Do you need to fear giving up control? If God could not be trusted, then you should fear, but the Lord is trust worhy and faithful. What He promises you will come to pass. He will not withhold anything good from you. Through your belief in Jesus Christ, you receive the favor of the Almighty. You have His good will. Therefore, you can be confident in giving Him ownership over you.

This Faithful God will strengthen you, making you stable and firm. As you trust Him, He will set and fix your feet firmly on the best path. He will keep you intact and cause you to escape from your enemies to safety. God the Father has given you authority through His Son and He will uphold and sustain that authority. He is your foundation and in Him, you stand safe and secure.

The Lord your God watches over and guards you, to keep you safe. He does not want your to suffer violence, so He always stands near to protect you.You are of His tribe and nation He will not allow you to be snatched away. You do not need to be afraid of the annoyances or hardships that evil one brings your way, for the Lord will take care of you.

Friday, July 04, 2008

7-4-08 Psalm 121:1, 2 Your Help Comes From the Lord

Psalms 121:1, 2 (NAS)
(A Song of Ascents.)
I Will lift up my eyes to the mountains; From whence shall my help come? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth

Psalms 121:1, 2 (NLT)
(A song for the ascent to Jerusalem.)
I look up to the mountains—does my help come from there? My help comes from the LORD, who made the heavens and the earth!

You have probably heard it said that life is a journey and even the Bible affirms this idea. The descriptive phrase “A Song of Ascents” implies that you should sing as you travel on your way. The Lord wants His people to be happy and joyful as they go through their lives. Singing is an excellent way to maintain that joyful attitude, in spite of the circumstances and whatever comes up. It is also the Lord’s will that His people ascend throughout their lives. Ascending and growing should be normal. Excellence will lead to exaltation. And that exaltation comes from being continually in God’s presence, a place where He can bless you abundantly.

As you ascend and climb, you should walk with your head held high and your eyes lifted up. Your mental and spiritual faculties should be focused only on the Lord God and His will for your life. You are on your way to the mountain of God, your eternal dwelling place. There you receive help, succour, and support. You will be gathered into the presence of the Almighty and brought near His throne; there you will find all that you need.

Jehovah the Existing One is your Lord and Master. He is always strong, firm, and sure. He is the King of all the earth and His Word is law. He fashioned and made the universe, the sky, and the atmosphere. He laid out the earth and the seas, putting them in their proper order. Likewise He fashions and lays out your life, putting it into its own proper order. When something or someone comes to disturb that order, go quickly to the One from whom your help comes. He will put things right again.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

6-28-08 Psalm 37:11 Be Gentle and Lowly and You Will Possess the Land

Psalm 37: 11(NAS)
But the humble will inherit the land, And will delight themselves in abundant prosperity.

Psalm 37: 11 (NLT)
Those who are gentle and lowly will possess the land; they will live in prosperous security.
The spirit of the world teaches you to fight for your rights; however, the Kingdom of God shows you a different way of acting. Adonai encourages you to be gentle, humble, and meek. You must maintain a submissive attitude towards God. Through this you prove that you are a true saint of the Lord.

Adapting and maintaining this attitude brings you more blessing from the Lord than the more belligerent one does. Although it seems that others gain by obnoxious, grasping methods, in the final outcome you, and not they, will be the true heir of the earth. Adonai will cause you to possess by faith what others were striving for through their own strength. You will occupy the land, for the previous tenants will be driven out and disinherited. You will have success.
You will then have great delight, for you will find yourself living a luxurious life. God will abundantly provide health and prosperity. Through the Lord's favor, you will have increase. Your goods and possessions will accumulate as the rain drops in a shower. You will also live in perfect peace, rest, and safety. In the end, you will be full and have plenty.
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