6-28-06 Psalms 5:8
Lead me, O LORD, in Thy righteousness because of mine enemies; make Thy way straight before my face.
Psalms 5:8 (NAS)
O LORD, lead me in Thy righteousness because of my foes; Make Thy way straight before me.
Psalms 5:8 (NIVUS)
Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness because of my enemies— make straight your way before me.
Psalms 5:8 (NLT)
Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do, and show me which way to turn.
Before the United States of America became a nation, people primarily from Europe traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to colonize the North American continent. They were looking for new lives with new opportunities. Many were led by the Holy Spirit to this new land.
You daily have a similar opportunity as these early colonists. Jehovah the Lord wants to lead and guide your life into new experiences and opportunities. As you allow the Lord to govern your life, He will transport you through His righteousness to a place where your enemies cannot reach you. Through you, Adonai the Almighty is colonizing the earth and establishing His Kingdom of rightness and justice.
Therefore, boldly step out in the way that the Most High God leads you. As you begin to walk, the lord will make the path before you straight. Soon your will find that your journey is pleasant and prosperous. Your plans and purposes will be established as a well-trodden road. You will also thresh in fields along the way.
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