Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

My Birthday Thoughts

Here I am looking at another birthday—Oct 3rd.  It hardly seems like it has been a year since my last birthday and now I am eligible for “senior” coffee at McDonalds and other restaurants.  I wonder why the restaurant industry considers a person a “senior” at 55, when the US government does not think I have reached that age until 62 or 65. And I have heard rumors that the retirement age could be raised to 70.

I told a good friend recently that I do not believe that chronological age is the correct one.  I know that the “me” inside is younger than what my birth certificate and driver’s license say.  I have heard others say the same thing.  So what does that mean?

As I was writing this, which was only going to be a comment about my birthday, an explanation suddenly presented itself.  When God created man, He made him to be spirit, soul, and body.  His spirit was the part most like God and was eternal.  His soul was made up of his mind, his will, and emotions.  Through his soul, he related both to God and to his fellow human beings.  His body, created from the dust of the earth, helped him to relate to his surroundings.

Originally man was created to last forever; he was to live in fellowship with his Heavenly Father.  However, when Adam disobeyed God’s word and ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he entered into sin and lost his fellowship with God.  Even so, men and women continued to live for hundreds of years, but as sin became more universal, man’s life-span was continually shortened.  Men and women began to die at 60, 70, 80, or even a little older, which was never God’s plan. His plan was for us to have everlasting life.

That is still possible through belief in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who sacrificed His life to pay the penalty for mankind’s sin.  If someone chooses to believe in God’s redemption plan, his spirit is reborn and he comes back into fellowship with his Heavenly Father.  However, if the same person chooses not to believe, his spirit, though still eternal, is eternally cut off from God.  At death, he does not merely cease to exist; he exists eternally alone, without help, without hope, and away from God.  He will be cast into the lake of fire forever.

Because our spirits are eternal, we feel younger because there is no time or age in eternity.  Therefore, the choice of our young, eternal spirits is to believe in God’s plan of redemption with everlasting life or to continue in rebellion against the Most High., resulting in everlasting fire.


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