10-23-06 Zechariah 10:12
And I will strengthen them in the LORD; and they shall walk up and down in His name," saith the LORD.
Zechariah 10:12 (NAS)
And I shall strengthen them in the LORD, And in His name they will walk," declares the LORD.
Zechariah 10:12 (NIVUS)
I will strengthen them in the LORD and in his name they will walk," declares the LORD.
Zechariah 10:12 (NLT)
I will make my people strong in my power, and they will go wherever they wish by my authority. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Have you ever wondered why you are here? Do you have a purpose or should you just "eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow you die"? The Most High God created you to prevail over the Kingdom of darkness, through the strength and power that He will give you. God's original intent for you was that you be great and mighty as you lived in covenant with Him.
The Lord Jehovah purposed that you should walk up and down in the land in such a way that your manner of life would lead others out of darkness. He created you to live and to proclaim the name of the Lord. Your main goal should be to reveal the fame, reputation, and glory of the Lord. You have been set in place to extend God's compassion and to direct others toward the Almighty. He has transformed your life and in like manner, He desires the transformation of others. He has placed you on the runway, so others can see His latest fashion. You are a sign and memorial of His grace and mercy and He wants to tell everyone about how He extended His goodness to you.
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