2-14-07 Psalms 16:5
The LORD is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup; Thou maintainest my lot.
Psalms 16:5 (NAS)
The LORD is the portion of my inheritance and my cup; Thou dost support my lot.
Psalms 16:5 (NIVUS)
LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.
Psalms 16:5 (NLT)
LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.
Have you ever desired something so much that would do just about anything to get it? Perhaps you saw a particular automobile and you were willing to work a second job to be able to afford it. Or maybe you pursued a relationship and nothing or no one could dissuade you from that path, for you desired that person's attentions more than anything else. Some things may be godly pursuits, while others are based merely in your flesh.
There is one thing, one relationship, that you should seek more than any other. You should desire Jehovah the Lord to be your lot and portion. You belong to Him and he belongs to you, as a husband and wife belong to each other. The Lord Jesus is the Bread of Life and He should be your daily ration. He has prepared and weighed out daily nourishment for you. He has laid up an inheritance for you and as you seek Him, you will receive all that He has dealt to you.
Adonai the Almighty God is the One who holds you together. He continually pours into your cup and provides a bag in which to deposit money for you. As He follows close to you, the Lord your God sustains you. Since He has helped you in the past, you can be confident that He will continually help you. He will even triple His efforts toward you, as you trust Him. The Most High God will gather you to Himself and dwell with you. He is your lodging place.
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