Cranberries, Jukeboxes, and America

We all know that tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we in America have much to be thankful for. Even though we have seen rising gas prices and many natural disasters in our country, we have also seen the generous hearts of Americans. Today is "What I Love About America!" day.
One thing right now that weighs on my heart is the demonstrations and outbursts against the war in Iraq. I am thankful for our freedom to speak out and I hope we never lose that freedom. However, sometimes that freedom is carried to an extreme that demoralizes the national spirit of America. When our troops were fighting in Vietnam, we saw the same kinds of protests and demonstrations. Those soldiers came home to jeers and cold shoulders. That made a rip in the fabric of America, that still has not healed.
America has a reputation of going to the rescue of the underdogs, those people who are oppressed and enslaved. That was true in Vietnam and that is true in Iraq today. I love America for that stand and I am proud of America for those actions! WE are blessed to be Americans!
A unified front is a strong front. The Bible speaks about how blessed people are when they dwell together in unity. This Thanksgiving I pray that we will strive to regain that unity, so that our country can remain a blessed one! Let us give thanks for our military personnel who are sacrificing their freedom, so that the rest of us can freely speak our minds.

On a lighter note, it is also Eat a Cranberry Day and National Jukebox Day! Sample your cranberries today to make sure that they will be good for tomorrow. And while you are nibbling at those cranberries, listen to "Proud To Be An American" on a jukebox!
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
This BLOG comment needs to be circulated as one of those many e-mails that criss cross America and the world. May someone read this and carry it beyond this page alone.
I say a hearty "I AGREE!!"
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