6-16-07 Matthew 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called sons of God.
Matthew 5:9 (Philips)
Happy are those who make peace, for they will be known as sons of God!
God always wants your highest. When you act as He acts, you are in the place to receive that highest good, which is includes happiness and prosperity.
God is a peacemaker. He has already made peace with mankind through His Son Jesus Christ. Sinful man was at war and separated from God. However, Jesus gave His life to bring men near to God again. Now they, who were once enemies, are able to become God's friends.
You are a peacemaker, helping to end strife and to establish harmony in relationships--those between God and man and those between man and man. You minister His shalom, His peace, to others, bringing wholeness into their lives and helping them to be made perfect. You have a spirit of reconciliation. You are a man of peace and you walk in peace!
Because you display God's peace-keeping nature to others, God calls you by His name and makes you His son. He loves you, protects you, and bestows benefits on you. You are His descendant, a part of His blood line, and His heir.
Therefore, continue to keep the peace and you will see God's best in your life!
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