5-19-08 Psalm 118:19 God's Gates Are Open to the Righteous
Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the LORD.
Psalms 118:19 (NLT)
Open for me the gates where the righteous enter, and I will go in and thank the LORD.
You used to be dead and in a grave because of the sin in your life. But God did not leave you in that state. Like Lazarus, the Lord Jesus called you out of the grave and gave you new life. He loosed you from your grave clothes and let you go free. He then opened wide the gates and doors of His city to you.
When you chose to go through the gates, Adonai bestowed righteousness on you, making you right. He cleared your record of any wrong doing, for justice had already been rendered through Jesus's blood sacrifice. You were now legally able to enter into the blessings of God and to receive the prosperity that He desired to give you.
In all of this you have no other recourse except to throw up your hands in worship to the Most High God. In reverence, you confess, praise, and give thanksgiving to Him. When you open your hands before the Lord in adoration, He fills them with His bounty. You, then, are able to draw strength from the Lord of Hosts. Therefore, continue to yield yourself to the One who freed you and put you before a wide open gate!
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