4-20-08 Psalm 5:8 The Lord God Leads You In The Right Path
Psalm 5:8 (NAS)
O LORD, lead me in Thy righteousness because of my foes; Make Thy way straight before me.
Psalm 5:8 (NLT)
Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Tell me clearly what to do, and show me which way to turn.
Adonai desires to expand your territory; His plan is always for you to experience growth. Many times He guides you into new areas, just as colonists move into a new land. There they dwell putting down new roots and establishing a new life. Here they have hope of seeing their dreams fulfilled. Likewise, when God leads you into an unexplored venture, be confident that He is transporting you into something good.
You need not fear that He will bring you into something that will be wrong for you. What He bestows on you comes from His righteous nature. Everything that the Lord Jehovah does is right and just. He has already cleansed you and has changed your sinful nature into a righteous one, for you are made in His image. Therefore, when He leads you somewhere, He is taking you to a place of more prosperity.
Your enemies are watching to see what God will do for you. Even though they may oppose Adonai's will and purpose, you can be assured that you are going in the right direction. The Lord always leads you in a straight path. He goes before your face and as you keep your eyes on Him, your journey will be prosperous and pleasant. When you choose the straight way, God's way, you will be esteemed and honored. Your course of life and mode of action will always reflect the character and nature of the God you worship and serve.
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