1-20-06 Psalms 65:4
Blessed is the man whom Thou choosest and causest to approach unto Thee, that he may dwell in Thy courts. We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, even of Thy holy temple.
Psalms 65:4 (NAS)
How blessed is the one whom Thou dost choose, and bring near to Thee, To dwell in Thy courts. We will be satisfied with the goodness of Thy house, Thy holy temple.
Psalms 65:4 (NIVUS)
Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple.
Psalms 65:4 (NLT)
What joy for those you choose to bring near, those who live in your holy courts. What joys await us inside your holy Temple.
Perhaps when you were young, you were someone who was always picked last to be on a team. Maybe you were never chosen to do anything "important". Those of the popular crowd usually ignored you or if they did give you any attention, it was to make fun of or laugh at you. Often you did not feel happy.
Now, none of that matters, for you have been chosen by the most important being of the universe. Adonai, the Most High God, personally selected you as His choice son or daughter. You are acceptable to Him, for He sees the excellence that He put inside of you. In this you know you are happy and blessed. In this state you prosper and go forward.
You now have the freedom to approach the Lord God even as you would approach your earthly parents. You can go before Him with purpose and as you draw near to Him, He will make you ready for whatever you may encounter. In fact, you can choose to permanently reside in God's presence. When you arise in the morning until you go to your rest at night, you can abide with your Heavenly Father, in His court and separated from the world.
In God's court, you will find satisfaction and have more than enough. You will be filled with plenty of good things and will be surrounded with beauty. In the Lord's house, it will go well with you and you will be filled with joy and gladness. You have access to God's temple and His holiness. His might and strength will help you to endure and to prevail. His power makes you able
At 9:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
This is a picture of my childhood. I was the small one for sports, not very good at it, not very interested. I was not the rough and tumble type. Even in high school I was invisible.
God took small beginnings and is making all things new.
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