2-7-08 Psalm 73:28 The Nearness of God is Your Good
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Thy works.
Psalm 73:28 (NLT)
But as for me, how good it is to be near God! I have made the Sovereign LORD my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.
Adonai wants to make your life good and beautiful. Even if your life was good before Jesus became your Lord, He wants to make it better. You, however, must learn to cooperate with God. It is your responsibility to draw near to God. You should present yourself before His throne, standing ready to carry out whatever He wishes. When you do this, you will find that you have obtained the favor of God. He will give you the best and you will find a new cheer and ease in living. You will discover how pleasant and precious life really is. Sweetness, prosperity, and wealth will be yours.
Now you keep your hope and trust in Adonai, your sovereign Lord. He is your master and owner; He controls your life. In this you have taken refuge, for He is your shelter. You know you can flee to Him for protection. Because you are arrayed like your Father, having put on the robe of righteousness, you can stand in confidence.
The Lord has made you one of His deputies in the ministry. You are employed as His messenger and ambassador. Gladly you recount all of His good works, for you desire others to celebrate His workmanship with you. You have kept a tally and made a record of how God has labored to bless your life. Therefore, you boldly declare His faithfulness.
At 8:17 AM,
Encouragement From Tich Mugwara said…
What a good thing it is to preach the word of God. I just need to encourage you to keep up the good work. Surely God is seeing and He shall always remenber you.
May He bless you and your family and whatever your hands shall touch let it prosper. God bless.
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