Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

9-9-06 Luke 14:13, 14

Luke 14:13, 14 (KJ21)
But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and thou shalt be blessed, for they cannot recompense thee. For thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

Luke 14:13, 14 (NAS)
But when you give a reception, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, since they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Luke 14:13, 14 (NIVUS)
But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.

Luke 14:13, 14 (NLT)
Instead, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. Then at the resurrection of the godly, God will reward you for inviting those who could not repay you.

Although there are some people who tend to be recluses or hermits, avoiding contact with others, most people look forward to celebrations and parties. It is a special time when you are invited to someone's house for dinner, for you know the work and preparation that is necessary to pull it off. Unless you have a previous engagement, you gladly accept the invitation and the hospitality extended to you.

When people think of Adonai and His holiness, they often think that is synonymous with being a "stuffed shirt". They believe that the Almighty is always serious and does not approve of parties and celebrations, but that is not true. When Jesus first started His ministry, He performed His first miracle at a wedding. In fact, the nation of Israel, God's chosen people, had many established feasts and celebrations throughout the year. To establish how important this is, the Lord has especially endowed some people with the gift of hospitality. Gathering together around food and in fellowship with others is one of God's greatest gifts to mankind.

Therefore, if you are able, you should periodically plan a banquet or dinner party for your family and friends. However, the Lord does not want you to stop with those who are already close and intimate with you. You should also receive others-- those who are poor and lacking--into your home as friends. Although they have no influence, position, or power, you should embrace and not reject them. These who are disabled, maimed, and crippled often feel left out and rejected. They may be lame and blind, but the Lord loves them. He would like you to be His hands to extend that love to the outcasts of society.

And you should not think "What's in it for me?" God has already decided to bless you, if you do as He wishes in this. Even though the poor will not be able to repay or recompense you for your trouble, the Lord your God has already set aside your reward. As you give to others who cannot give back, you will find that you will still profit. If you do not see the benefits in this life-time, you can be assured that you will be repaid in the age to come, when you are raised up with the other righteous believers.


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