Make a Difference Day! (October 22nd)

Everyone has visions of being great at something, because man was created in the image of God and there is no one greater than the Lord. However, in the garden of Eden man's perception of greatness was distorted through the lie that the serpent perpetrated. Instead of looking to the Almighty as the Only True God, man began to think of himself as the only "god" that needed to be obeyed. He grasped for the power and control to prove to himself and others that he was the "great one". He began to put himself above others and the concept of "Me First" was born.

However, the Lord's idea of greatness is directly opposed to this concept. Jesus Christ said, "Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." In God's eyes true Greatness is achieved through love and service to others. As Jesus laid down his life for you to save and deliver you from sin, you should lay down your wants, desires, and time in order to help someone else. So if you see someone with a need that you can help fulfill, then you should try your best to do so. Others may not notice these acts of kindness that you do, but you can be sure that God will not only notice,

Therefore, today, which is "Make a Difference" Day, look for ways to help and bless others. You could babysit for a young couple that needs some time alone. If you see someone who needs help with a heavy load, you could lend a good strong arm. Perhaps you could help with some gardening. Or maybe invite someone to go to the mall to get a pretzel, since it is also "Pretzel Day"

It does not matter which random act of kindness you choose; you will make a difference!
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