Jolts--Daily Affirmations from God's Word

These Jolts are daily devotionals that show who you are in Christ, what God thinks about you, and how you can grow in the Lord and His word.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

10-15-05 Romans 12:9

Romans 12:9 (KJ21)
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

Romans 12:9 (NAS)
Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.

Romans 12:9 (NIVUS)
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.

Romans 12:9 (NRSV)
Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good;

Romans 12:9 (NLT)
Don’t just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of the good.

Many in today's world have a misconceived idea of what love really is, believing that love is conditional. Even Christian believers are confused at times. A common thought pattern of our society is "I will love you as long as you are making me happy." However, if someone fails to meet expectations, then "we are out of there."

The love that Adonai, the Almighty God, gives you is the type of love that He expects you to show to others. Although affection is a part of love, the emotional side of love is not the most important aspect. God's love gives kindness and mercy to even those who do not deserve it. The warm feeling that you have toward someone, although valid in themselves, do no prove your love.

Being good to others, as a deliberate act of your will, is the best proof that you love someone. Even as God gave His Son Jesus to the world to show His love, sometimes you must give what is the best and most precious, including your time, your resources, or your own wishes and desires. Also you should not reserve your love for only those with whom you have close relationships, but you should express love for the welfare of friend or stranger alike. Your expressions should be sincere, unfeigned, and without pretense.

Anything that is evil or hurtful to others is totally contrary to God's character. The Bible says that as He is so are you in this world. Therefore, you cannot walk in love with others if you are behaving viciously or maliciously. Anything that causes grief or harm to another does not originate from Adonai, your God. You should abhor, detest, and hate such things. In fact, to even think on anything evil or wicked should cause you to shudder.

On the other hand, you should hold fast and stick like glue to anything that is good and beneficial to others. If you have it within your power to help someone, you should do so without delay. Being good and kind to others should be your habitual practice.


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